- 办公地点: 研究生院211
- 办公电话: 82376678
- 电子邮件: liujm@ustb.edu.cn
- 本科课程: 分析化学 仪器分析
- 研究生课程: 化学计量学
- 科研方向: 环境分析化学
- 社会职务:国务院政府特殊津贴专家;《冶金分析》副主编,《环境化学》、《中国无机分析化学》编委;中国金属协会分析测试分会副主任委员;中国仪器仪表协会原子光谱专业委员会委员;中国稀土学会分析测试分会委员;清华大学精细陶瓷北京市重点实验室学术委员会委员;金属材料表征北京市重点实验室学术委员会委员;国家环境保护恶臭污染控制重点实验室学术委员会委员。
1998年4月至1999年5月在美国Western Kentucky University做访问学者;
2004年1月至5月在美国University of Illinois at Urbana and Champaign做访问学者;
获国务院政府特殊津贴专家荣誉; 获冶金工业部科技进步三等奖1项; 获山西省科技进步三等奖1项; 获中国分析测试协会科技进步一等奖1项; 获宝钢优秀教师奖; 获北京科技大学第八届“我爱我师”我心目中最优秀教师称号; 获得5项专利; 在国内外学术期刊上发表论文100余篇; 参加编写专著《色谱在材料分析中的应用》、《环境样品前处理技术》、《色谱在环境分析中的应用》;
代表性论文著作: 发表论文100余篇,近五年部分代表作如下:
1. Qu C, Zhao P, Wu C, Zhuang Y, Liu J*, et al. Electrospun PAN/PANI fiber film with abundant active sites for ultrasensitive trimethylamine detection. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 338: 129822.
2. Chen H, Liu J*, Wu C, Zhang T. A comprehensive mathematical model for analyzing synergistic effect of oxidation and mass transfer enhancement during UV-Fenton removal of VOCs. Chemosphere, 2021, 283:131021.
3. Zhuang Y, Yuan S, Liu J*, et al. Synergistic effect and mechanism of mass transfer and catalytic oxidation of octane degradation in yolk-shell Fe3O4@C/Fenton system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 379: 122262.
4. Wu C, Shu M, Liu X, Sang Y, Cai H, Qu C, Liu J*. Characterization of the volatile compounds emitted from municipal solid waste and identification of the key volatile pollutants. Waste Management, 2020, 103: 314.
5. Zhuang Y, Liu J, Yuan S, et al. Degradation of octane using an efficient and stable core-shell Fe3O4@C during Fenton processes: Enhanced mass transfer, adsorption and catalysis. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 515: 146083.
6. Zhao Y, Zhu L, Li W, Liu Z, Liu J*, et al. Insights into enhanced adsorptive removal of Rhodamine B by different chemically modified garlic peels: Comparison, kinetics, isotherms, thermodynamics and mechanism. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 293: 111516
7. Zhao Y, Li W, Liu Z, Liu J*, et al. Renewable Tb/Eu-Loaded Garlic Peels for Enhanced Adsorption of Enrofloxacin: Kinetics, Isotherms, Thermodynamics, and Mechanism. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6: 15264-15272.
8. Chen H, Liu J*, Pei Y, et al. Study on the synergistic effect of UV/Fenton oxidation and mass transfer enhancement with addition of activated carbon in the bubble column reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 336: 82-91.
9. Wu C, Liu J*, Liu S, et al. Assessment of the health risks and odor concentration of volatile compounds from a municipal solid waste landfill in China. Chemosphere, 2018, 202: 1-8.
10. Zhao Y, Li W, Liu Z, Liu J*, et al. Modification of garlic peel by nitric acid and its application as a novel adsorbent for solid-phase extraction of quinolone antibiotics. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 326: 745.
11. Wu C, Liu J*, Zhao P, et al. Evaluation of the chemical composition and correlation between the calculated and measured odour concentration of odorous gases from a landfill in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 164: 337-347.