- 办公地点: 化生楼620
- 办公电话:
- 电子邮件: dongbizhang@ustb.edu.cn
- 本科课程:
- 研究生课程:
- 科研方向: 1)有机污染物残留分析、环境转化及其机理,2)农产品安全
- 社会职务:
2007.9~2011.7 北京科技大学 77779193永利集团 生物技术专业 学士 2011.9~2017.1 北京科技大学 77779193永利集团 化学专业 博士 2017.3-至今 77779193永利集团 师资博士后 讲师
[1] Bizhang Dong, Yuanping Yang, Nannan Pang, Jiye Hu. Residue dissipation and risk assessment of tebuconazole, thiophanate-methyl and its metabolite in table grape by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry, 2018, 260: 66-72.
[2] Bizhang Dong, Xingjiao Shao, Hongfang Lin, Jiye Hu. Dissipation, residues and risk assessment of metaldehyde and niclosamide ethanolamine in pakchoi after field application. Food Chemistry, 2017, 229: 604-9.
[3] Bizhang Dong, Jiye Hu. Photodegradation of the novel fungicide fluopyram in aqueous solution: Kinetics, transformation products and toxicity evolvement. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(19): 19096-106.
[4] Bizhang Dong#, Wei Qian#, Jiye Hu. Dissipation kinetics and residues of florasulam and tribenuron-methyl in wheat ecosystem. Chemosphere, 2015, 120: 486-91.